Wednesday, January 12, 2005

this one's for you

i love to have spent my NY with you 'ny...
and don't want to ask for anything other than that
happy new year too irfan...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bali New Year's Trip

fiuh.. fiuh... just got back from Bali for the NY's eve. To celebrate something like that at this time... seneng but sedih juga krn Tsunami itu...

Me, Irfan, Itja n Isty cabs ke Bali tgl 31 dec 04. We stayed at Ratu Kharisma Villa di daerah Seminyak, which was really a nice place to stay. Enak banget tempatnya, we felt so much isolated n relaxed while the villa itself is actually situated in quite packed Seminyak area within a walking distance from Kudeta and Double-Six...

Malem jam 11pm kita sampe Kudeta, jalanan asli macet abis! Taksi susah n jual mahal semua, but it was all loads of fun. So many people in Kudeta.... disana ketemu sama temen2nya Isty, Fara n suaminya Iwan, lalu ada Erika dan temen2nya... party n dance mpe sktr jam 3 lalu mau lanjut ke Double Six gabung sm temen2nya Irfan n Itja. But rencana ini t'paksa batal krn pas kita nyampe sana, Double Six ngantri abess.. akhirnya makan di cafe near-by called Pepito. That night, seru jg jalan nyusurin pantei double six pake high-heels... hehehe....well cheers, Happy New Year!

Tanggal 1 woke up at noon, nyantei, had brunch at around 11am. Lalu ada temen yg stay di Bali, namanya Iji sama anaknya Shawn dateng.... ngobrol n (Shawn) berenang sampe sore, lalu malem-nya kita ke Hu'u Bar ...

Tanggal 2 kita (finally) jalan ke pantai, ga jauh2 di double-six aja. Four of us had ourselves temporary tattoos then, while Irfan & Itja played frisbee, we girls just go relaxing n sleeping.. lalu lanjut jalan2 sepanjang toko2 di Legian but ended up buying nothing. Sore-nya kita diajak ke Jimbaran oleh Pak Wahyu (tmen kantor-nya Itja), makan seafood yg fresh exactly di pinggir pantai Jimbaran yg berombak lebih tenang. Suasananya nyaman n kita makan kalap gitu krn bumbu-nya enak.. Irfan yg ga suka pedes aja jadi nyolek2 sambelnya terus, hihi...

Malemnya kita berenang di villa n Iji dateng bawa durian n mangga yang mateng dari pohonnya, katanya.... so abis mabok seafood kita mabok durian... what a yummy day! :)

Tanggal 3 kita checked-out sktr jam 9 trus ke daerah Kuta Square, nyusurin toko2... ended-up beli kuncir rambut n gelang.. Irfan beli topi, Itja topi n sendal, me and Isty juga dapet sendal bening biru bw by the pool :)

Nyantei banget, sampe airport lgsg boarding pesawat jam 3.40pm. Alhamdulillah safe n sound di Jakarta, berasa banget "aroma" routinity but it's okay... hope to have the next trips to the beautiful island of Bali!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Gue mau dapet kali yaa.... duuuuuuhh.... thanks ada blog! bisa ngeluarin uneg2 seenaknya... duh, ckit peyuuutttt, maag kambuh, bibir manyun :(

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Flower by Kenzo - Le Parfum - Limited Edition Posted by Hello

One day a poppy writes...
A stem made of words, red and shiny...
No one plants me, no one singles me out, I just grow.
Anywhere, a delicate flower, scattered here and there; I bring delight to those who pick me, I bloom when I am left alone, I whisper to the mind, to the body; that is so beautiful, inside, outside. I stand upright, I lean, I lie down. Place me on a heart and I'll make it throb. Brush me across lips and I'll make them blush.

Le mots tentang bunga poppy ... putih, merah, pink, les couleurs poetic!
They send the colours of secret wishes up to the air, as he and everything in him has - in a way -inspired me today. A will, I do hope. Thanks love.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

First Time

People say there's always a first time for everything...

And my first time was tonight when I finally said it. Not to say that I am not afraid. Hope this is a correct decision. I am so afraid of everything! I am afraid to enter a new thing I don't know before... afraid of doing my classic mistakes again, and it's because of me cannot keep the words any longer. Hope none of us regret it the next day .. hehe..

I trust nothing but only my feeling and all the butterflies in my stomach. Really hope that 16 nov 2004 will be a better start for everything ahead.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Roller Coaster

put me down .... !! :) Posted by Hello

I had a dinner tonight. While we were eating, I could not stop thinking "does he know where he has put me into, these couple of weeks?" well, simply on a roller-coaster :)

For someone who has put me into this roller-coaster... I think I've shown you enough that I care. I don't know you 9 years ago or something, I know NOT a single-thing! Only count on the things that you tell me...

But I like you without any specific reason
I don't love you because you are better than anyone else
I don't love you because of who your friends are, what you are doing, or anything like that.
I simply love the time spend with you, when you sit and silent, watch movie, talkin' to people, when you laugh... those small things that happen every time I meet you...

I simply just love you for you.

I trust butterflies on my stomach and all the silly things I do when I am with you
From now on I'll never do that again, I will stop being silly coz you just gotta know
You'll be damn lucky if you have me coz I will endlessly care for you, for better or worst.

I need to get down from this roller-coaster, though. So, pls tell me should I stay or ride on ... ? :)

Sunday, November 07, 2004

BT !

BETE. That's it. PMS? Maybe. People says, don't do this often. Yeah, right. BETE banget neh ...