Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bali New Year's Trip

fiuh.. fiuh... just got back from Bali for the NY's eve. To celebrate something like that at this time... seneng but sedih juga krn Tsunami itu...

Me, Irfan, Itja n Isty cabs ke Bali tgl 31 dec 04. We stayed at Ratu Kharisma Villa di daerah Seminyak, which was really a nice place to stay. Enak banget tempatnya, we felt so much isolated n relaxed while the villa itself is actually situated in quite packed Seminyak area within a walking distance from Kudeta and Double-Six...

Malem jam 11pm kita sampe Kudeta, jalanan asli macet abis! Taksi susah n jual mahal semua, but it was all loads of fun. So many people in Kudeta.... disana ketemu sama temen2nya Isty, Fara n suaminya Iwan, lalu ada Erika dan temen2nya... party n dance mpe sktr jam 3 lalu mau lanjut ke Double Six gabung sm temen2nya Irfan n Itja. But rencana ini t'paksa batal krn pas kita nyampe sana, Double Six ngantri abess.. akhirnya makan di cafe near-by called Pepito. That night, seru jg jalan nyusurin pantei double six pake high-heels... hehehe....well cheers, Happy New Year!

Tanggal 1 woke up at noon, nyantei, had brunch at around 11am. Lalu ada temen yg stay di Bali, namanya Iji sama anaknya Shawn dateng.... ngobrol n (Shawn) berenang sampe sore, lalu malem-nya kita ke Hu'u Bar ...

Tanggal 2 kita (finally) jalan ke pantai, ga jauh2 di double-six aja. Four of us had ourselves temporary tattoos then, while Irfan & Itja played frisbee, we girls just go relaxing n sleeping.. lalu lanjut jalan2 sepanjang toko2 di Legian but ended up buying nothing. Sore-nya kita diajak ke Jimbaran oleh Pak Wahyu (tmen kantor-nya Itja), makan seafood yg fresh exactly di pinggir pantai Jimbaran yg berombak lebih tenang. Suasananya nyaman n kita makan kalap gitu krn bumbu-nya enak.. Irfan yg ga suka pedes aja jadi nyolek2 sambelnya terus, hihi...

Malemnya kita berenang di villa n Iji dateng bawa durian n mangga yang mateng dari pohonnya, katanya.... so abis mabok seafood kita mabok durian... what a yummy day! :)

Tanggal 3 kita checked-out sktr jam 9 trus ke daerah Kuta Square, nyusurin toko2... ended-up beli kuncir rambut n gelang.. Irfan beli topi, Itja topi n sendal, me and Isty juga dapet sendal bening biru bw by the pool :)

Nyantei banget, sampe airport lgsg boarding pesawat jam 3.40pm. Alhamdulillah safe n sound di Jakarta, berasa banget "aroma" routinity but it's okay... hope to have the next trips to the beautiful island of Bali!


Blogger meidiwaty said...

Happy New Year..!May this year brings more n more joys to us...cheers! gue baru baca blog elo, as for me, my NY's trip stretched from Shizuoka-Tokyp-Niigata..:), well, spend the days at Atri's (Shizuoka), went to Sanrio Puroland in Tokyo on 30th, n spent the NY's eve at Shibuya's intersection, Tokyo, n went back straight ahead to Niigata on NY's eve by shinkansen, arrived in the winterland of Niigata on the 1st, with Atri..!we went skiing, eating, playing snow n throwing snowball at each other, happy driving under the heavy snow, n safely sleeping in each other's arms...:)
n today..the vacation is over as ATri is going back to Shizuoka..hiks..!sedih...!

well, anyway...i am glad that both of us close our journey of 2004 with a joyous and happy moment that could not be easily forgotten...:)

Blogger Reti said...

heyy.. nlp2 td mau tanya kbr Bali-nya... ternyata udah posting disini... :) kpn nih lunch bareng?

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